Growing Closer to Christ Through Worship, Witness, and Service!

Youth and Children Ministries
Sunday School

6th Grade and up – Meet in the ‘Youth Room’ right after church. We discuss various subjects aimed at this particular age-group. Off for the summer.

5th Grade to 5 years of age – Meet in the Sunday School room right after church. Bible lessons and stories for the younger bunch. Off for the summer.

Youth Fellowship

All young folks meet in the Fellowship Hall for prayer and dinner at 5:00 pm on Sunday evenings. We split into our two groups, by age – between 5:30pm - 6:30pm on Sundays and come back together for our benediction and sending. Off for the summer.

6th Grade and up: Meet in the youth room for weekly devotions, prayer, lessons, research, games, and fun!

Faith Friends: 5th Grade to 5-years of age, meet in the Sunday School room for music, singing, games, studies, coloring, and fun!

Service Projects

We believe we are to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus in the world. Our youth participate in projects of piety and mercy such as yard work for seniors, cleaning of elderly homes, helping other ministries of the church.

Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts

Local scouts use the facility here at Fitzgerald. Contact Boy Scouts to join.


Located in Branson, MO. We stay at the home of a parishioner and attend a 4-day festival featuring bands, speakers, deep orthodox-Christian theology. This is sponsored by the Christian band 'Newsboys'. Primarily for 13-years and up.